Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Introduction : The History of Bogor

In 450 A.D. Bogor was part of Tarumanegara, the very first Hindu kingdom in Java, and the second in Indonesia after the Kutai Kingdom in Kalimantan. The most popular king of Tarumanegara was Purnavarman, who ruled around the 5th century. It was during his reign the kingdom reached its golden era. The city was

Introduction : Bogor General Information

Bogor city as the gate of west java province, about 60 Km way from the capital of republic Indonesia, Jakarta. And also about 120 Km from Bandung as the capital of west java province. Bogor is famous as rainy town, it caused of the rain fall very high, at least 3000 - 4000 mm per year.